Friday, August 6, 2010

Tool #8: Two Fours

In honor of tool #8, I give you...two fours!

I begin by kickin' it old school with a little Schoolhouse Rock. I see this as a facts practice opportunity for musically-inclined kids, or as a very fun opener for a lesson on data in a table with a process column.

I then found this little dandy from Sesame Street. (How can you NOT love seeing Feist on Sesame Street??) This could be such a fun video problem-solving task by having kids watch the video then write their own question about it.

There you go. 2 videos x each about 4 = tool 8. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Your math is unimpeachable! This tool was a lot of fun for me but almost overwhelming because there are so many great videos online - I could spend hours just "browsing". The ones your found were very cute!

